Как ферритовые шарики используются в электросчетчиках?

Ферритовые шарики используются в электрометрах для подавления высокочастотных электромагнитных помех (EMI) и радиочастотных помех (RFI), которые могут повлиять на точность измерений измерителя.

Ferrite beads are small cylindrical or toroidal shapes made of a ferrite material that is electrically insulating but has a high magnetic permeability. They are placed around the wire or cable that carries the signal to be measured, creating a low-pass filter that attenuates high-frequency noise while allowing the low-frequency signal to pass through unaffected.

The ferrite bead works by absorbing the high-frequency energy from the EMI/RFI and converting it into heat. This energy dissipation effectively reduces the amplitude of the noise, preventing it from interfering with the signal.

In an electrometer, ferrite beads are typically used in the input circuitry to filter out unwanted noise before it reaches the sensitive measurement circuitry. The use of ferrite beads can improve the accuracy and reliability of the measurements made by the electrometer.

DJSélectronique has been supplying beads and inductors constantly for electrometer companies in the Middle East for years, if you need components for your electrometers, please let us know.egypt, arabic, Invoice


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